Sunday, June 22, 2008

Awards too many - Adayalangal

As usual a lot of hullabaloo about the awards.

An award or two for M G Sasi's film was understandable if one is to go by the precedents set by the Awards Committees whenever a LDF Govt was in power - it was pleasing as many as possible and giving away a lot of awards to one film. Remember Sarath's Sayahnam. It did the same thing. Many more awards than what it deserved came its way.

As far as Adayalangal goes some have expressed the opinion that it would be good as a'Debut' film but to get 4/5 State Awards was a bit too much!

Amateur, cliche`filled, a lot of documentary touch , all in all the film disappointed.

M G Sasi had said in an interview that he had been carrying the idea of a film on Nanthanar and his works for the past fifteen years, but surely this film reflected none of the intense planning that went into it. Geeta Joseph was good. Jyotirmayee, was wasted and many of her scenes were too cliche` ridden to be retained in memory. The sarpapattu, the fantasy and the instant chemistry she strikes with the protagonist, all these have really tired the viewer no end over the years, in film after film.

Every year the State Awards kick up a row either from a disgruntled director/actor /singer. Why have such a system if so much manipulation goes on behind the scenes. A respeced director like Jahnu Barua as Chairman comes with some credibility, then why is there need for going through such devious methods to give recognition to a good film /director or other talent.

Heard Panniyan Ravindran our M P say that film awards need to be decided democratically y the people and not by a Jury, closeted from the common man's opinion. Well, that would bring film awards to a more mundane level and little short of SMS-style voting, we'' have 'voted Bet Film" of the year. With everything going 'janakeeyam' film will be one more target, or better still 'the next prey/victim!


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