Thursday, August 03, 2006

Grist for saviours of religion in Kerala

first it was the conclave of Astrologers to find out what was going wrong in the rituals in the Sabarimala Temple. Then came the women (film stars) who said they had entered the portals of the temple and touched the idol, which is considered sacrilege. AND now comes the tantri who frequents a flat in Kochi for other diversions. the police went to town with exact number of times the Tantri had called on the lady. A temple with lots of funds and plenty of development taking place is eyed by our well-meaning politicians, and of course the protector of the religion.

A volte face-the tantri was nailed by a gang which planned to extort money from God's representative at Sabarimala. He had to part with 40 sovereigns of gold and Rs 20,000 for his freedom. No questions asked about the source because attention has got diverted to the misdemeanours of the woman who is in the business of supplying girls to the 'needy'.....
this can of worms can spread far... wait and watch...


Blogger Ajith Prasad Balakrishnan said...

I dont think this can of worms will spread..TDB has lot of money and can easily subvert the probe..When media gets a different news, attention will go to that..Eitherway, it was one of the worst things to have happened to the holy shrine.

6:16 AM  
Blogger wannabewodehouse said...

a holy shrine with a lot of unholies swathing the God...
God is a good business opportunity isn't it?

9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where ever there is money and power, UNHOLY things like this, will happen. Nobody can prevent that.

All of us are human and even Rishis had problems to deal with their weaknesses.

That is normal. Look at Catholic religion. They are still paying in billions for all the UNHOLY things Catholic priests did on innocent boys and girls for centuries.

Neither Catholicism nor Hinduism have anything to do with UNHOLY things done by few of their leaders.

We have to look at the sum total good things, temples, Gurudwaras, churches, etc do in this world and ignore the UNHOLY things.

6:43 AM  

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